“I accept it, but I do not support it “. Whenever the topic “LGBTQ+” comes up and people are asked about their opinion, this is an often used phrase. But what does this phrase really mean? In this text, we want to express you our opinion about the topic “diversity“. Many people use this phrase, not knowing what they are actually saying. The majority just wants to express, that they do not have any problems with the LGBTQcommunity, they just never go to demonstrations and engaged in any activism. But this is not the meaning of the phrase. “Support” does not mean “going to demonstrations”. Support means, tolerating LGBTQ-people in every situation and justifying those people in front of others, who are opposed to the LGTBQcommunity. When you say: “I accept it, but I do not support it“, it means something like: “I genuinely do not accept people to be part of the LGBTQ-community and I try to avoid them, but they are who they are and I can not make them change”. In our modern society, everyone should be tolerated the way he is. People, being part of the LGBTQ-community, just love other people the way straight people do and there should not be anything wrong with it. LGBTQ+ is a short term for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and lots of other sexualities. In the 21st century, everybody should tolerate the LGBTQ-community. Nevertheless, there are many homophobes. Some people say: “LGBTQ+ is against the nature of humans” or: “It is a sin to love someone from the same gender and God or Allah will stop loving you”. The question comes up, why some people are still opposed to the LGBTQ-community. Nobody is responsible for the way he loves. Other people should not care, because love is love and the gender does not matter. But furthermore, some people, who are part of the LGBTQ-community, are very offensive against straight people. Therefore, some people, being part of LGBTQ+, do not count themselves to the LGBTQ-community because they do not support the hate against straight people. I guess, ignorance will never really come to an end. Each of these people need to tolerate the others without any prejudices. Hopefully, people will understand that it does not matter who you love. It is more important to be happy. To understand the problem of non-acceptance, the example of the word “gendern“ is fundamental. The word “gendern” is derived from the word “gender”, which does not refer to a person‘s private parts, but to the social gender. It is defined as everything, that is typical of women and men. They are assigned to characteristics of what they should ideally be. This creates a lot of prejudices. For example that men and women should be in a relationship with the opposite gender. Furthermore, social gender is not only visible in this section, but also in relation to professions. It is “the policeman“ and “the nurse“. To guarantee equality, there is gender-appropriate language to ensure that these prejudices are eliminated. The statement “A man has to be strong and fearless to be a real man“ is a good example of prejudices. He also has to dominate the female gender and has to dress like a real man... All these stereotypes in relation to men are summarized through the term “toxic masculinity“. That does not mean that all men are toxic rather the stereotypical and repressive expectations of society to “men are toxic“. On November 17th 2020, Harry Styles appeared as the first man in a dress on the cover of “Vogue“. He is a successful star in the music industry and he is known for standing against this toxic masculinity. He wears nail polish, dresses, skirts, pearl necklaces, pink clothes and basically he does not care what society prescribes. Clearly, Harry Styles cannot make toxic masculinity end, but however, he can encourage people to follow suit. Everyone can wear what they want to express themself and no one has to follow toxic gender norms. Hopefully, people continue defying toxic masculinity, because fashion is an art form, that does not know any bounds. Besides Harry Styles there was another man fighting for his rights. Freddie Mercury got oppressed, because of him belonging to the LGBTQ-community a few years ago. “I like to make fun of myself. I would never dress like this, if I took myself seriously.“ (1985-Mercury, Freddie). The majority of people should know him. People put his sexuality in a box: "Is he gay or bisexual ?". He himself kept relationships with male partners a secret. He died because of AIDS. Mercury published that, one day before he fell into coma. At this time, AIDS was considered to be a disease, that only gays can get through sexual intercourse. Because of this disease, there were persecutions, criminalisation and discrimination of gays. The paragraph §175 in the penal code fits. It marked gays as a separate group not belonging to the rest of society. People judge others without knowing their character traits. Mercury never fought against it and rather hid himself. Why do we have to pretend to be different to be accepted? Another example for having to hide, because of non-acceptance is the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody“. It is about Queen, but mainly about Freddie Mercury. The movie is known worldwide and it won 4 Oscars. China wanted the movie, but not the scenes, where Mercury is portrayed as gay. So they cut out parts, where Freddie is kissing a man and an argument with his girlfriend, where he turns out to be gay at the end. Are we really living in the 21 st century?
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